Home Made Bug Screen Curtain
Here is a suggestion for a "home made" bug screen for the rear camper door.
It has worked well for me over a good number of years. It won't stop 100% of those pesky flyin' critters,
but...it's been effective enough that, day or night, we really haven't given bugs much thought at all.
Like I said though, not 100% like a screen door, but...pretty darn effective.
Basically it's nothing more than a "harem curtain" made out of heavy(1/8" is good, hangs straighter)
clear flexible vinyl plastic sheet (curtain).
Cut the sheet wide and long enough to cover the entire door opening or whatever suits your needs.
Leave a couple of inches to start with at the top uncut (you can adjust[reduce] this depending on
how you decide to mount the curtain above the door). Cut (from top to bottom) the sheet into strips
of any width you want.
In my case I made them 1 inch. Be sure and punch clean round holes across the top and start your
downward cut from center of the hole. This will prevent the cut(slit) from continuing to tear at the top.
Secure the slit sheet with sheet metal screws into the aluminum frame tube above the door, and use
as big a diameter flat washer for the screw size you can get. I think I put about six across the top,
starting about an inch or so in from the edge.
Adjust the mounting height of the curtain or trim the length of the strips so that they hang just
slightly "above" the bottom door sill. This is so they don't drop down in front of the sill and
prevent the door from closing. And... you've got your bug curtain.
The photos aren't the best, but...I think they pretty much clarify my description.
The nice thing about the curtain, especially when it's new and clean (mine is pretty grungy now),
is that you can see out through it great, and it's lets all the light in. It's almost glass clear.
That's another reason I didn't make the strips too narrow. The more strips might tend to make it
less... see-through! But...on the other hand it could actually make the curtain even more effective
because the strips may hang tighter? I didn't experiment with that!
When it gets grungy and won't clean up nicely any more, simply make a new one!
One other benefit is that, if you've got your hands full with a coffee and a plate of food,
you don't have to reach down and open anything, you just push your head through, and out, or in,
you go! And...my hound dog likes it too, just like his doggie door at home! Comes and goes at will...!!
No worries with bugs...Coop.