Senior Member
I have though of this in the past but didn't test until today during fan install. Two of my clear vinyl windows were shrunk in my 2005 Hawk, purchased used. What I did was park vehicle so those two, shrunken windows, would get brunt of heat in the hot afternoon sun. During this period both the inside clear and grey vinyl windows were closed,roof in open camping mode. No outside storm flaps on the 2005 Hawk. As I entered the camper and placed my hand against vinyl I could really feel the heat. Opened the gray flap and then opened clear vinyl and really tried to stretch it in all directions, not violent tugs but steady pressure and kept this pressure going while I reapplied to Velcro. I feel I have gained 3/4 of an inch all around. I'm not sure if they will re-shrink as it gets cold but am happy with the results.