Snug Top Camper Shell

The Saints

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
Since I am getting the new ATC soon, I have to sell the Snug Top Camper shell I have. It is a 2002, but fits 1995.5 through 2004. It was off my Tacoma and is painted green (6Q7). Any interested let me know. The shell place told me to ask $ 1000, but seeing as I am such a nice guy, I can go less. I am asking $900
Call for more details if interested.
Two more weeks until I get my camper. So now I am down to $300.00 bucks or best offer. Some local kid asked if I would trade my camper shell for his new surf board. I said yes, because at least I can store that while I try to store it, but he flaked. Something about surfers, you know?
$900 was a steep price, but not unheard of - $300 is crazy talk.

When I was looking for mine prior to getting the hawk, I passed up a couple very nice ones at $900, but ran like heck to buy one that wasn't quite as nice - but still nice - at $600.

Once I got my Hawk I sold the topper for $600 in 1 day.

Craigslist it in your 2 or 3 closest larger cities.
Maybe the shell place can sell it on consignment for you. You'll pay a percentage to sell it, but he'll get traffic from people looking for that shell, and you won't have to store it.
Well, I got rid of it yesterday. A local surfboard shaper wanted it, so he is shaping a board for me in trade. The shape and glass job for the board wont cost him much at all, but a new custom board would cost me $500 to $600. And if it works for the north swells in the winter, priceless. (sounds like a charge card commercial). Anyway, it worked out for me good since my main hobby is surfing and for him since he got a good deal and will cost close to nothing to make me my board.
I had the campershell on Craigs list for $500 for just under a week, then $300 and no calls until yesterday. But by then I was blinded by the thought of a new board....
My local campershell place (where I bought it) wanted 20%, so I was going to hold out as long as possible for that. Now I just have to wait until October 2. :rolleyes:
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