I have a 2012 Fleet and purchased the options of 2 camper batteries and solar. By day 3 of every trip I am usually down to 1 light, the frig is off in the morning and temps way up, and seldom use my lights, furnace or use the 12V to charge my computer or camera batteries because of this. I have the compressor frig. One problem I am having is blowing fuses in the FWC camper batteries - typically 4 - 5 fuses in a 6 day trip.
Blowing fuses is a problem that needs to be solved, but I also don't know if I am getting everything I should out of the batteries and solar, so I did a “controlled test”. I completely charged the batteries with shore power and turned the frig on. I had the frig fan on from 8 am to 6 pm. No use of any other power in the camper. I drove the truck about 15 minutes total per day, and was parked in full sun each day. Here are the results
Hour 0 - shore power unplugged, 4 lights, frig temps 38/-10
24 hours – 3 lights, frig temp 42/0
48 hours – 2 lights, frig temp 42/0
58 hours – 2 lights, frig temp 58/+10
72 hours – 1 light, frig is off with temp of 72
I had the impression that with the investment of batteries and solar I would be able to do better than 2 ½ days. What is your experience? For trips longer than 2 days, which is all of my trips, the problem is compounded when I continually blow fuses and am unable to consistently recharge the batteries.
Blowing fuses is a problem that needs to be solved, but I also don't know if I am getting everything I should out of the batteries and solar, so I did a “controlled test”. I completely charged the batteries with shore power and turned the frig on. I had the frig fan on from 8 am to 6 pm. No use of any other power in the camper. I drove the truck about 15 minutes total per day, and was parked in full sun each day. Here are the results
Hour 0 - shore power unplugged, 4 lights, frig temps 38/-10
24 hours – 3 lights, frig temp 42/0
48 hours – 2 lights, frig temp 42/0
58 hours – 2 lights, frig temp 58/+10
72 hours – 1 light, frig is off with temp of 72
I had the impression that with the investment of batteries and solar I would be able to do better than 2 ½ days. What is your experience? For trips longer than 2 days, which is all of my trips, the problem is compounded when I continually blow fuses and am unable to consistently recharge the batteries.