Advanced Member
got the solar panels installed today. I ended up getting (2) 5 watt panels that will provide a consistent trickle charge. routed the cable in the passenger side back corner. Used a similar path method (taped to the back of the folding board thing that holds up the roof). went to partly cloudy as soon as I hooked it all up but so far it all appears to be working. so now I can charge while driving with the truck (battery isolator) and the solar panels will be trickle chargeing anytime the battery is not charge via the solar management system. it will keep from overcharging. The only thing I still need to add is maybe a chunk of PVC ripped in half to cover the 6-12" of wire exposed on the roof. I find my self in deep brush/low trees a bit and would hate to pull anything off. mounted the panels hard to the roof. I was going to go for a tilt feature, but I am not looking at powering anything of of it, just keep the battery up to its potential. (I tend to listen to alot of tunes and use the big flood light out back a lot while camping).