Advanced Member
I have been looking for the "perfect" solar panel. and found the UniSolar flexible panels. They glue on with an adhesive, so no drilling into the roof, something I resist. The 128 watt was too long for my roof, the 68 watt is 10 feet long, which works just fine. $169.00 at If I need more wattage I can place another 68 watt on the other side of the camper roof. I bought a cheap 10 amp charge controller. Installing the panel was very easy. I washed the roof with a cleaning solution, pressure washer and scrub brush. I located where I wanted the wiring to run and aligned the panel to be as close as possible. The panel charges a standard deep cycle battery. My gas fridge uses an electric fan, which annoys me, it makes my stays in the woods dependent on battery charge. The ability to charge in the field without running a generator makes me happy. I have two installation photos, one showing the thin flexible panel partially rolled, the other the completed installation.