If you are looking for a Nissan Frontier to haul a FWC or ATC, I just posted mine in Portland area Craigslist. Crew cab, 6 foot bed. $8500.
It is set up with the bed, anchors, air bags, and E rated tires to haul the camper.
I have a short window, next week, only, to make a sale. Then I’ll be out of commission for a while taking care of some medical issues. I’ll post it again in November if I don’t sell it next week.
It is set up with the bed, anchors, air bags, and E rated tires to haul the camper.
I have a short window, next week, only, to make a sale. Then I’ll be out of commission for a while taking care of some medical issues. I’ll post it again in November if I don’t sell it next week.