Old & Soft
Well Friday Morning I packed the FWC and set off toward Usal Beach. It’s about 230 miles from Sacramento and I planned for, and had a nice leisurely drive. As I turned onto Usal road two cars pulled in behind me and followed me into the park. The cars behind me should have been a clue. I arrived at the park about 2:45 and proceeded to drive all through the park looking for a camp site. The camp was almost completely filled, but I did manage to find four empty sites all the way in the back of the park hidden in the Redwoods.
I chose a small site as there was only myself & the dog. By 4:00 the other three were taken and the park was full. So much for the “Lost Coast”.
The weather Friday and Saturday was perfect, shorts and a lightweight sweatshirt were the clothes of the day. The beach turned out to be a 15 minute walk from the campsite and the dog and I made the trip 7-8 times over two days. Both of us need the exercise, so we’re not complaining. It seemed like every flower in the park was in bloom. Every meadow was awash in yellow flowers, California Poppies lined the roads, and the wild berries were blooming and starting to make fruit. I even ran into some small wild orchids in bloom (I think that’s what they were). Saturday we had a small burglar in the form of a Chipmunk making raids on the dry food in the dog dish. He became quite brazen and would sneak food while the dog was snoozing 4 feet away.
The FWC survived the trip in with only a couple mishaps. When we arrived, I opened the door to find the ice box had ripped all four screws out and was half out of the cabinet, the foam insulation the only thing holding it in. Of course the drain hose had come loose so the ice melt was dripping on the floor. I didn’t have any hardware to fix it, so I unloaded all the food and moved it to the beer cooler; the beer and sodas got evicted. I had two ten pound blocks of ice on the ice shelf, and all the food below. I guess 20 lbs of ice plus the food was too much weight for the screws. I can guarantee when I get it remounted twenty pounds plus won’t be too much weight next time. The new inverter and microwave worked great. I guess it will take a couple more trips to get all he kinks worked out as I’d forgotten several items like a can opener and dish soap.
Before I left home, I checked and tightened all the turnbuckles. When I arrived at Usal, they were all loose and one had come completely off. Since this was only my second trip with the FWC I’m wondering Is this normal, should the turnbuckles be safety wired or ??
Woke up Sunday morning to fog and cold so decided to break camp and head home early. The PCH was in fog all the way south to Bodega Bay before the sun finally broke through. All in all a fun shake down trip and learning experience. I'm sure there will be lots more great trips with the FWC.
I chose a small site as there was only myself & the dog. By 4:00 the other three were taken and the park was full. So much for the “Lost Coast”.
The weather Friday and Saturday was perfect, shorts and a lightweight sweatshirt were the clothes of the day. The beach turned out to be a 15 minute walk from the campsite and the dog and I made the trip 7-8 times over two days. Both of us need the exercise, so we’re not complaining. It seemed like every flower in the park was in bloom. Every meadow was awash in yellow flowers, California Poppies lined the roads, and the wild berries were blooming and starting to make fruit. I even ran into some small wild orchids in bloom (I think that’s what they were). Saturday we had a small burglar in the form of a Chipmunk making raids on the dry food in the dog dish. He became quite brazen and would sneak food while the dog was snoozing 4 feet away.
The FWC survived the trip in with only a couple mishaps. When we arrived, I opened the door to find the ice box had ripped all four screws out and was half out of the cabinet, the foam insulation the only thing holding it in. Of course the drain hose had come loose so the ice melt was dripping on the floor. I didn’t have any hardware to fix it, so I unloaded all the food and moved it to the beer cooler; the beer and sodas got evicted. I had two ten pound blocks of ice on the ice shelf, and all the food below. I guess 20 lbs of ice plus the food was too much weight for the screws. I can guarantee when I get it remounted twenty pounds plus won’t be too much weight next time. The new inverter and microwave worked great. I guess it will take a couple more trips to get all he kinks worked out as I’d forgotten several items like a can opener and dish soap.
Before I left home, I checked and tightened all the turnbuckles. When I arrived at Usal, they were all loose and one had come completely off. Since this was only my second trip with the FWC I’m wondering Is this normal, should the turnbuckles be safety wired or ??
Woke up Sunday morning to fog and cold so decided to break camp and head home early. The PCH was in fog all the way south to Bodega Bay before the sun finally broke through. All in all a fun shake down trip and learning experience. I'm sure there will be lots more great trips with the FWC.