Value of Solar System


New Member
Aug 20, 2007
Considering adding a solar system to my FWC. Can I get some feedback on the positives for doing this. My primary reason is for recharing the battery forthose extended stays in one camp site. Any thoughts.


My experience is that if you have a shell as we do, only lights and occasional other small draw items, we can spend days in a campsite with no concern for battery loss. I have a 50 watt panel I carried on several long trips in Latin America and a hard wired controller. I never used it. Now it will be used in a different stays home along with the hilift jack that I have stopped carrying. It pays to really consider your needs and other options, I think. If you have a standard camper with lots of power needs, all bets are off and everything I say does not pertain to you. Our entire setup is based in simplicity. We are only one step up from tent camping which we still do quite often...we actually like "camping" and every convenience takes us another step away from it. If I was any younger I would use my Hennesey Hammock and motorcycle and do away with all this other stuff:D
That said, I think it is a great option if you do have stuff to power. It would certainly extend your days in a remote camp if you did not drive anywhere. I can't remember who it was...Hayduke I think....(Hm...haven't heard from him in a while) who built a nice box under the bed overhang to slide his panel into while not using it. Mine was for a remote use also with an extension cord to hook it up to the truck..did not want to camp in the sun. You can probably search the threads fo all that.
Jackson Hole System

I've taken a perfect Hawk Shell-----with the concept that I will stay away from all propane systems.....that I will use solar systems where possible. Now I have a wonder 12 volt/20 Amp Solar panel that has the diodes to keep from discharging at night/cloudy weather, and it charges a 12 volt "Optima" Deep Charge Battery----all works great----the panel goes up when parked only---so I take it out and lay on top of the Camper with cords running to the battery------it's great----solar systems have become wonderfully functional systems-----particularly the Sunsei--out of Jackson Hole-----I'm going to get add-ons that will run my lamps, heater, 12 v frig, and TV if possible------I was not aware of how far solar has come----Everett
solar yes!

we started out with eagle shell to keep it simple,solar keeps it simple,we use a 2ftx4ft glass 75 watt panel mounted on roof,keeps it out of sight (it is 2007 and things do disapear from camp sites!)also have seen panels broken when free standing and the wind comes up,as we tend to stay in spots for longer periods,well at lest 1 night or more!it serve us great.with 1extra battery,it lets use use inverter to charge cell phone,gps,2-way radio's,reg radio,air compressor (to air up dual-sport after trail riding), receiver, tv,fan's (it gets hot here in the desert)and best of all engle 45 12v frig/frez, i don't worry about parking in sun,if shady ok still charges 2+amps (desert shade is thiner than mtn. shade!) in full sun 5amps laying flat,if tilted (which i used to do until i found it was charging fine flat)7amps,have used this panel and controller for over 10 years with o problems.your usage may vary!,just my 2 cents worth. drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Well worth it. We had 2x 80 watt panels and in non direct sun we could listen to the stereo all day long with an amplifier, watch 2-3 movies a night with the stereo, run the heater all night long and get up in the morning and listen to music again.
I wouldn't think twice about it!
Really depends on the length you will be camping. While I woudnt mind having it, for the longest trips I do I don't need it. Now when I retire that'll be a different story.
Hey Randy

If you are on the move every couple of days or occassionally end up at campsite that has electricity available, then most people won't invest in the solar panel(s). The truck will recharge the camper battery as long as you are driving.

But, if you want to leave the camper at a camp site for a week, or on the beach in Baja for a couple of weeks and won't be driving around and don't have shore power (electricity) available, or have high power needs for the camper, then the solar panel set-up would probably make alot of sence.

The middle ground -- maybe a litte cheaper if your power needs fall in-between somewhere, would be to add a 2nd deep cycle battery (doubling your battery power supply).

This might not answer all of your questions, but I thought I would throw it in there with the other replies ...


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