I am going to replace the clear vinyl windows in my mid-90's Ranger II FWC. I am looking for comments on the clear vinyl used in the newer FWC or ATC windows. Does it shrink or get stiff like the the older versions? Even as low as 50*, the older vinyl windows are impossible to use. I have samples on the way from FWC and ATC as well as several other companies who claim to have -40* "cold crack"...whatever that means in real life use. My plan first cut the old window off leaving about a 1" "tab" left at the bottom. I will cut the new window to size and sew Velcro to the side and top edges. lastly, I will stick the new window to the old window "tab" with 3M 4229 tape. The tape joint will never come apart, so I want to use the absolutely best vinyl on the planet!