Instead of the Pig Fest, we went on a quieter, though not much warmer or less windy, trip. Headed over to Walker Lake in Nevada for what we thought was a Loon festival. Walker Lake is the terminous for the Walker River. Vast agricultural pumping of the Walker River and recent drought weather has caused Walker Lake's water level to drop drastically. Because of this, the lake salinity is high and the chub fish are unable to survive. Without a food source, the migrating birds have dwindled from the thousands to about 100. So the festival has turned into more of an educational program. Still, we did see a lot of pelicans and a few loons. There are a couple of campgrounds along the lake. They offer no privacy but the vault toilets were clean. The afternoon winds howled through here.
On the lake
Shots of camp
On the lake
Shots of camp