Hello, I just bought a 1998 Grandby and found this forum while doing some searches. I found a lot of info, nice site. I don't have much experience with campers My neighbor used to let me borrow his older Jayco pop-up for hunting season. I like it so I bought this unit off my step-dad, he rarely used it. Am I correct in my thinking that the heater and lights only operate off 12VDC and the 120VAC shore power operates the fridge and electrical outlet by the sink? I was just going through it for the first time today and haven't picked up a battery yet. What throws me a bit is my neighbors unit would run the lights and heater blower off the battery or 120AC supplied by my generator. The heater is an Atwood 8516, I found a manual on the Atwood site so I'm pretty sure it's 12VDC only but I've been known to be wrong, often according to my wife. I'm also curious about the fabric on the pop-up, is it PVC like a raft? If so I imagine one would do repairs the same? It's in good shape, but just in case and to be prepared. Any other advice on what to do maintenance wise is welcomed. Thanks for your patience, newbie questions can be repetitive. I picked this up for $2000 and it came with an earlier model Whitworth 7x57 with a simliar vintage Weaver V7, both new, the action still in cosomoline. I think I did well\relative discount ? Thanks again, Rob.