wiring diagram and owners manual for 2008 Alaskan


New Member
Mar 9, 2011
Good Evening,

My wife and I just purchased a 2008 Alaskan Cab-Over Camper. Unfortunately the camper didn't come with an owners manual.

We are attempting to wire the truck to the camper, and in doing so we are lacking the wiring diagram. Does anybody have a diagram (of the camper)they can relay to us?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Pat
Good Evening,

My wife and I just purchased a 2008 Alaskan Cab-Over Camper. Unfortunately the camper didn't come with an owners manual.

We are attempting to wire the truck to the camper, and in doing so we are lacking the wiring diagram. Does anybody have a diagram (of the camper)they can relay to us?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Pat

Contact Brian at: E-Mail


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Thanks MIke,

I think we figured it out, but thanks for the contact!

We're looking forward to using the camper over the summer and into fall. Also, I'm looking forward to using the camper for Elk and Mule Deer hunting. No more tents and no more hotels!!! I hope to find out what happens with the draw in Colorado soon!

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