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      Defulmmt reacted to Jzack605's post in the thread Fold up bench? with Like Like.
      Yeah the biggest issue is fitting my dogs kennel, particularly early season grouse hunting when it’s wet and muddy. I was thinking more...
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      Defulmmt replied to the thread Diesel Heater in Your Camper?.
      Thanks Old Crow, the Scout video is very informative. I like how they route the combustion air and exhaust outside the camper. I also...
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      Defulmmt replied to the thread Diesel Heater in Your Camper?.
      I see that the new Scout popup camper has an external diesel heater mounted on the passenger side rear wall in what appears to be an...
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      Defulmmt replied to the thread WTW format.
      I like the new design and think it’s an improvement for user experience. Search has always been a challenge, I generally use a web...
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