Teton Pass Road Landslide

Like to know the analyst on failure. It is built on fill. They have had rain and three miles away had mud slide cleanup that previously closed the road.

Lovely drive, unfortunately many that can't afford to live in Jackson commute on the highway. 35 minute trip turns into 1hr 45 min trip.

It is one of Wyomings most traveled roads.

Good luck, tough design on the fix.
well that section had been failing for at least a few years. Was a crack in the road on that corner I watched while commuting from Driggs to Jackson and it was bound to fail at some point. Sounds like it just needed a good wet spring. Another friend who commuted by motorcycle said the breakover was one that often caught bikers unaware and caused a few accidents.
Well they can pay for repairs using the toll money they collected from people who used it
I'm always amazed at how seemingly impossible fixes are nothing but minor annoyances to the engineers. Not much they can't fix if they have the funds.
We only drove that pass one trip.All our other trips we have used Hwy26.
That's going to take a long repair job. Like Hwy 1 through Big Sur.
When the road slides it takes a long time for repairs.The Hwy is still closed south of Big Sur.
Was due to open mid spring now late Oct/Nov. We'll see.
They are still working on the Rocky Creek slide.There's a traffic light there now for the one way part.
Mother nature is still in control.
They built it once when nothing was there. Just soil, man hours and money to make it happen. Learn as to why it failed and build it better with a larger factor of safety.
the local saying is that if this was in the Alps there would have been a tunnel under the pass decades ago. instead they just want to struggle to keep the pass open
It's called civilization-man the destroyer as they say! Those first men in that country followed some big horn sheep or whatever up those ridges and trails looking for dinner or that promised land yonder! Next it was horses or wagons, then ruts and a road, then more cars and overused paved roads full of lot's of folks visiting that yonder land for fun or work-until Mother Nature finally said that's it! Just look at just about every road or town around, almost all either started by an animal trail or water hole. I guess we here on WTW in our own way are like those first pioneers -looking for a place away from all those people-not bitchin or nothing-rather better early then never! Enough of this, I got to get back to packing the truck now so I can run away from all you people (just kidding):giggle:!

While I understand the value of having the pass open for folks commuting to Jackson from Idaho, I can't say I enjoyed either of my two traverses over it. The first was in rain, hail, sleet, and snow on July 27, 2015! Having read of the 10% grade in the Jackson side of the pass, I stopped and locked my hubs at the summit and tiptoed down the Jackson side mostly in 2nd gear to avoid riding my truck's and camper trailer's brakes. The second trip over was in 2020 from Jackson to Idaho and ultimately the Centennial Valley in Montana. On that one I just geared down to 2nd near the bottom and crawled to the top at 2,200 rpm in the old diesel. I did pull over 3 or 4 times to let faster traffic pass.
A geotechnical engineer on YouTube named Casey Jones has put out some very interesting videos about the slope failure and the design and construction of the temp bypass. Let's just say he's critical of WYODOT's approach. Interesting viewing for engineering and geology geeks, however.
We were on our way home from Southwestern Wyoming and Teton Pass was one of our options as we wanted to visit Henry’s Lake and Centennial Valley. We were at Sweetwater Junction when we heard the news. We opted out of Yellowstone as too much traffic so opted to drive into Montana from north of Cody.
yep. we usually had one or two semi- truck wrecks and a few vehicle fires along the Pass road when I was there. And I used to call the smell of burning brakes the smell of summer in the Tetons.
I've only driven that road in a sports car... loved it. I might sing a different tune if driving my rig now?
When I drove it in 2002 I was driving a Ford Expedition,even that wasn't much fun.
The downhill side east before Jackson is long and steep.
I've driven lots of mountain roads but that one I didn't enjoy.
All our other trip that way were by way of Swan Valley.
I was a Park Ranger in the Tetons back in the '70s and used to ride Teton Pass from Moran Junction regularly. What a great ride. I never rode down the Idaho side because I new I would have to ride back up it again before returning to Moran.
In the early '80's I did a ride, starting at Moran Junction, up into Yellowstone to Madison Junction, over to Canyon Village, then to Tower Junction, on to Mamoth, West Yellowstone, and south through Island Park to Driggs, Idaho. The whole ride was in the rain, but it would clear up whenever I had the opportunity to cut the trip short so I would continue. The next to last day was 120 miles from Mamoth to Driggs and the last night it rained all night so I ended up riding Teton Pass back to Moran (I was going to ride a loop through Swan Valley, but decided to shorten the ride by heading back to Jackson over the pass). It was raining so hard and cars where splashing me with water all the way over the pass.

Why did I do this? I had just broken up with a girlfriend and I thought the ride would help me get my mind straight. I didn't count on the rain, but the ride was one I'll never forget although I'll never forget old what's her name.
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