Death Valley Rally

Then we were off for Teakettle Junction. I took some more action shots of others as they arrived.



Marc. (Sorry about the bush in front of you.)

Sunman. (Ditto on the bush.)

Dirty Dog.
And that is about it. I had to leave early the next morning. I shot a short video while driving Racetrack Road.

And stopped here on the way home. Maybe we could camp here some night. Just watch the kids and dogs closely.


Ok, I admit it. It was a great trip that ended way too soon. And I really do wish my wife had been able to join me. Like others have said, thanks Dirty Dog for putting this together. I can't wait for the next group trip. And I hope we don't wait until next year for it to happen.
Kick a$$ had me laughing out loud . Good idea with the vids, helps portay Titus Canyon much better, good stuff. I'm slackin' but will get my report together soon!
Ed, thanks for the nice comments.

Mark, you have sent so many caring messages to other members - checking on the Fisherman, the Thanksgiving blessings you count, your concern about Craig when he mentioned being laid off, and on and on. I believe that you and Edna will be at the next rally and am looking forward to meeting you two. Dirty Dog joked about the people in the rally just being someone on the internet, but it is members like you that make this a family.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Sure, Sunman gets King Taco and I get Yes Dear?! And on top of that, I didn't notice the change. It was my wife that pointed it out to me. You should talk, DD. After telling us how your gf kept trying to get you to come home early but that it wasn't going to happen. Then you open your story with how you "iron manned home" and got there Thursday instead of the Saturday you claimed it would be. I see a lot of similarities here.
Sure, Sunman gets King Taco and I get Yes Dear?! And on top of that, I didn't notice the change. It was my wife that pointed it out to me. You should talk, DD. After telling us how your gf kept trying to get you to come home early but that it wasn't going to happen. Then you open your story with how you "iron manned home" and got there Thursday instead of the Saturday you claimed it would be. I see a lot of similarities here.

LOL, would you prefer "Darth Bailer"? :D
I "bailed" according to plan, getting home when I said I would. And, I might add, to be home with the wife that would have wanted to be there but stayed home with the dog so I could do the trip. You got home early to a gf that had no interest in DV.;)

However, seeing as I now have a new moniker which is equally appropriate but easier to accept, I'll back off. And to live up to it, I'll start stocking now for the next rally. I'm going to need a bigger ice chest.
You know, all these pics are making me very jealous. Thanks for sharing and rubbing it in!

BTW, does anyone know if that Seldom Seen grave is the Seldom Seen from Ed Abbey's Monkey Wrench Gang books?
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