Wandering in Oregon - May 2024

What a great trip, I enjoyed all the installments.

I was surprised to learn about the meaning behind the name of Picture Gorge after all the times I've driven through it!

I highly recommend the book "The Cattle Country of Peter French" if you can track down a copy, for some good reading on the country visited in the last post.
Another good book is Bill Kit, about the MC ranch that Bill Kitterage assembled. You might also consider “A Natural History of Oregon's Lake Abert in the Northwest Great Basin Landscape” by Ron Larson.
This photo was taken by the YNP camping booking group,back in spring 2010.
I first learned about it from Ted around 2011. During COVID I thought the photo was removed due to a re-do of their site .But there it is again 14 years later. Maybe I can get some sort of discount.Ha Ha.


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