Cathedral Range Big Horn Sheep are coming back

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Andy, I am not a Facebook user, so could not see the info. I did however, find a NPS link.
Great news!!!
No Facebook for me either. Thanks Lighthawk and Sagebrush for the links! This is great news with the hope that in another hundred years the restoration of Sierra bighorn will be well on its way.

There were biologists monitoring a bighorn high up in Lundy Canyon, just to the east of Yosemite, when we hiked there last fall.

Nice to get good news! Thanks!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Andy, I am not a Facebook user, so could not see the info. I did however, find a NPS link.

Great news!!!
Thanks WS for a non-FB link.
Here's a more specific link, which can be found in the article cited:

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